Get Involved

Become a Boy Scout

From taking your first hike.. to starting your first campfire.. Scouts BSA is about testing your limits and pushing yourself to do things you never thought possible. Whether you were in Cub Scouts before or if this will be your first time entering BSA Scouts, we welcome you! This is an amazing program that thrives on character building, leadership, community involvement, outdoor skill development. At Troop 1513 we encourage our youth to grow through activities that spark their interest and imagination. Don’t let adventure pass you by!

Adult Volunteers

It take a whole community to help these scouts achieve their goals. Volunteer for scouting events whether it's supporting scouts with your expertise, driving them to around, setting up camp, and so much more!

Troop Leaders


The Scoutmaster is the adult responsible for working directly with the Scouts to provide direction, coaching, and support. Basic roles include:

  1. Providing the the junior leaders with the tools and skills so they can run the troop.

  2. Making sure the rules of the BSA and chartered organization are followed.

  3. Being a good mentor and positive role model.

Assistant Scoutmasters

An assistant Scoutmaster is an adult leader over the age of 18 who helps the Scoutmaster deliver the promise of Scouting. Each assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties or fill in as necessary to assure the junior leaders have what they need to run things.

Committee Chairperson

The troop committee chair supervises the unit committee and unit leaders, and organizes the committee to see that all adult responsibilities are delegated, coordinated and completed.

The troop committee is a cross between a board of directors and a parent support group. It sets troop policies and handles administrative functions, allowing the Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmasters to focus on working directly with the Scouts. All committee members work on a volunteer basis.

Current Committee Members

  • SecretaryOPEN

  • Treasurer OPEN - Interim Robert Suarez

  • Advancement CoordinatorMatt Rodriguez

  • QuartermasterMichael Broadrick

  • Outdoor/Activities CoordinatorsJeffrey Heinz and Adam Moore

  • Membership CoordinatorMelissa Heinz

  • Medical Records CoordinatorSusan Rizzo

  • WebmasterRyan Sulapas

  • Flag CoordinatorChristina Sulapas

  • Fundraising CoordinatorOPEN

  • Court of Honor/Awards CoordinatorOPEN

- Robert Suarez

- Matthew Rodriguez, Jeffrey Heinz

- Melissa Heinz